AI Pioneer Geoffrey Hinton Warns of Growing Dangers as He Quits Google

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert Geoffrey Hinton, considered by many as the “godfather of AI,” has resigned from Google, citing concerns over the dangers of AI advancements. The 75-year-old cognitive psychologist and computer scientist believes that AI chatbots could soon overtake human intelligence and reasoning capabilities, creating a scenario where bad actors may try to use AI for malicious purposes. Hinton, along with other experts, has previously called for a pause on AI developments beyond the current level of AI chatbots to design robust safety measures.

However, he added that he believed AI would deliver many more benefits than risks in the shorter term. Hinton’s pioneering research on neural networks and deep learning paved the way for current AI systems such as ChatGPT. Matt Clifford, chairman of the UK’s Advanced Research and Invention Agency, says Hinton’s announcement underlines the accelerating capabilities of AI and calls for a significant investment in AI safety and control.

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