Big Brother Canada spoilers: a target gets power, food causes a fight

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From a make-out session to a fight started by garlic bread and waffles, Big Brother Canada 11’s Digital Dailies from Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8, had a lot of drama—though the big fight was off-camera.

Friday’s Digital Daily was taped Thursday night and ran an hour and 15 minutes. It was taped very soon after they finished their HOH endurance so they were all still in their Smee costumes as they awaited rotation to retell the comp in the Diary Room and to shower.

I don’t know if they estimated their times or if they were told, but according to various convos, I believe the drop order was Daniel (at five minutes), Kuzie, Anika, Jonathan (at two hours), Santina, Shanaya, and Renee was far from dead last this time at 3 or 3.5 hours.

Claudia, Hope, Ty stayed on their buoys another one-and-a-half to two hours, with Claudia dropping first of that final trio, followed by Hope, giving Ty the win after approximately five hours. At some point towards the end, they were told they couldn’t switch hands anymore.

Kuzie got some Wendy’s rewards points from the comp somehow. And the phenomenon that happens so often it’s almost typical happened again: the guy most of them would have targeted this week now holds the power.

Much of the chatter was comparing techniques they’d used on the apparatus as well as aches and pains. There was a lot of bruising and some blood blisters, along with sore hands, sore arms, sore backs, and sore heels. Several were seen by a medic but it didn’t sound like there were any serious or lasting injuries.

Ty was of course elated and just a little cocky, especially towards Hope, and at one point he told someone “watch your mouth, watch how you talk to me!” but he said it with a joking tone. More or less.

Claudia cornered him a couple times with congratulatory hugs and kisses, and Ty dragged her already-packed suitcase upstairs to share the HOH room with him, which she’d asked to do. And she found out she’d be Ty’s guest for Wendy’s. That upset Hope a bit because he’d thought he was going to be Ty’s breakfast guest.

Ty was either acting up a storm or he had no idea Hope was no longer in his corner, as he told him his plan was revenge.

He said, “Certain people just put me up on the block and shit, sending my guy Dan home, come on man” and “I need you to trust me. These guys sent Zach home, remember that.” And he said they needed to ensure Shanaya wasn’t going to turn on them now that Dan was gone, as she could get pulled back into the other side’s clutches.

Ty said he’d probably nominate Santina and Renee. Hope nodded and agreed with all that, and said “this would have been a perfect conversation over Wendy’s” and “I just want a Baconator, bro.”

Ty had a quick chat with Kuzie, saying they’d talk strategy when he got his HOH room. Kuzie reported to Anika that Santina would be going up, and she told Anika and Daniel she was happy he’d won as now they can take him out next week (since he can’t compete for the next HOH).

Daniel said Ty had asked Hope to work with him again, to squash their beef, and Kuzie said she’d told Ty not to take Hope to Wendy’s (because Hope might talk himself onto the block).

Anika asked what if Santina says things about them to Ty and Kuzie said not to worry about that because “Santina’s not credible anymore,” adding “what could she do, start another fight?”

Daniel said it would be stupid for Ty to put any of them up since they’d saved him this week. Hope joined them and reported The Crown will be safe this week, and he said everyone should just be calm when they talk with Ty, and not act paranoid.

Dinner was canned soup and garlic bread, and Daniel said “dinner’s looking different already” since Dan was gone.

Santina said her garlic bread wasn’t toasted enough, which Anika reported to The Crown. She made it sound like Santina had been pretty snippy about it, but we have no way to know. And Daniel said Santina had grabbed some of his chips without asking.

Any ammo will do when hamsters get to vilifying their target.

Saturday’s Digital Daily was taped on Friday, before nominations, and most of it was retells of yet another fight we missed, plus a lengthy Santina/Ty discussion.

The DD started off pleasant enough, with Hope making rounds to give everyone a morning hug. He couldn’t find Jonathan for a minute but finally tracked him down for a pool room hug, and told him about the fireworks that morning between Anika and Santina waffle spat.

It turns out the previous night’s Anika/Santina issue about untoasted garlic bread escalated over breakfast into Wafflegate and resulted in name-calling. I heard various retells that all matched up so we’ll accept them as mostly accurate, although I didn’t hear Santina’s version.

Anika has been doing some cooking all along, but is trying to do more now that their chief cook Dan’s gone. She wanted to make waffles for breakfast but had never done so before, and there wasn’t much pancake mix left, so they didn’t all come out well.

Apparently Santina took a bite from one and said it wasn’t good, and tasted like flour. Anika told Santina that was a rude thing to say. (Anika acknowledged in her retell that it was true, the waffle wasn’t good, but she said Santina said it rudely.)

Santina then called Anika “rude ass” and that she’d just said it so everyone knew to avoid the bad waffle(s).

Santina said she was entitled have a good waffle just like everyone else, and Anika told her to just make her own next time. Santina said fine, she doesn’t want Anika’s anyway, and she “threw down her plate” and walked off, saying “fucking bitch.”

Pre-nom meetings included a quickie with Ty and Jonathan, where they compared Wafflegate retells, and Ty told Jonathan he wasn’t nominating him. And he added if he ever did, it would be as a pawn and he’d let Jonathan know ahead of time.

Santina then met with Ty for a half hour, and she said she figured she’d be going on the block because of their fight last week about who the invisible HOH was. Ty didn’t confirm either way, but proceeded to grill her about her “shoot your shot” comment to Renee last week.

Ty wanted to know what Santina had going on with Renee, and Santina said she’d had no rapport with Renee since very early in the game, and she’d only made that comment because Renee had been jumping and acting happy regarding the whole invisible HOH situation. Ty said it wasn’t a good look (by Santina), and “that’s what my issue is.”

He said he’d risked his game for her the week before, and said she would have been voted out against Vanessa if Vanessa hadn’t left. And he said she’d been on an island of her own, but he’d “reached an olive branch out” to her. They went round and round multiple times, rehashing the entire season.

Ty’s tone was mostly antagonistic and condescending, and Santina’s was mostly defensive and excusatory. He said multiple variations of “stop talking,” “I’m talking now,” “let me talk,” and “listen to me” throughout. They argued fine points such as the difference between “working together Week 1” and “working together since Week 1.”

Finally Santina admitted her attitude had changed after Week 1 because she didn’t want to work with Zach. Ty said “that’s on you,” and that his turning point had been the “shoot your shot” comment.

Santina got sniffly at one point and had to grab a tissue from the bathroom. She finally left without getting any confirmation that she’d be going on the block – and she might not.

If my Twitter mentions are any indication—which they usually are regarding viewer votes—Santina had a very good chance of winning the safety vote this week.

If that happened, Ty will have had to change his plan to get her out, and the anti-Santina resentment in the house will likely build even more.

Incidentally, this is the last safety vote of the season. That could mean next week will be a double eviction, or there might be no relevance. But if they’re down to only seven after the April 13 show, that wouldn’t leave many to do a safety vote, especially since winners can’t repeat.

In housekeeping issues, the show finally updated the Wendy’s Reward points scoreboard, showing Shanaya in the lead. Recall that Dan had left his points to her upon his eviction. Ty would now have 500 more points with his HOH win, and Kuzie won some in the HOH comp. There’s still no indication what those points will be good for.

And they posted some more Diary QAs from last week. The first five were posted sometime Friday and on Saturday they added three more, but they’re still missing Anika, Claudia, and Daniel as of this writing.

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