Federal Strike Impacts Maritimers

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As federal workers across Canada go on strike, Maritimers are feeling the consequences. The strike has hit Halifax’s passport office particularly hard. Some travelers were able to retrieve their already processed passports, while others left empty-handed. Service Canada will only be processing domestic passport applications for emergency and humanitarian situations during the strike.

Tahirih Paul, a Cape Breton resident, drove to the Halifax passport office to pay extra money for a fast-tracked renewal for her daughter’s passport, so she could take her to Disneyland next week. However, due to the strike, she was unable to do so. Paula MacDonald also went to the passport office to renew her passport but left frustrated, feeling that passport offices are an essential service.

The strike is taking place during the peak of tax season, causing concerns about tax refunds. Keith MacIntyre, tax partner with Grant Thornton in Halifax, is worried about delays in GST refunds. As a taxpayer, he understands the need to get refunds quickly, while as a businessperson, he wants to avoid delays in refunds. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is warning Canadians to expect delays, particularly for those filing taxes by paper.

Although Paul is a strong supporter of public servants since she used to be one, she is also disappointed that the strike has affected her travel plans. She plans to activate her trip cancellation insurance.

As the strike continues, it remains to be seen how long it will last and what its long-term effects will be.

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