How to Avoid 4 Toxic Phrases and Raise Healthy Eaters, According to a Dietitian

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According to a dietitian and founder of Kids Eat in Color, certain phrases can negatively affect children’s eating habits. Parents who want to raise healthy eaters should avoid using four toxic phrases when their kids are young.

Firstly, using sweets to bribe children to eat something healthy sends the message that healthy foods are undesirable. Instead of bribing, parents can offer children a choice and make mealtimes playful to encourage engagement with new foods.

Secondly, using sugary snacks as a reward can cause children to associate them with feeling good, making them want sweets more than other foods. Parents can offer non-food rewards and enjoy sweets with their children on occasions instead.

Thirdly, forcing children to take another bite before saying “no” ignores their feelings of hunger and fullness, potentially leading to issues with saying “no” later on. Instead, parents should teach their children to politely refuse food they don’t want to eat.

Lastly, using phrases that make children feel like they have to eat to make their parents happy can create an unhealthy relationship with food. Instead, parents can explain to their children how nutritious foods help their bodies, feeding their desire to learn and try new foods.

By avoiding these toxic phrases, parents can create a pleasant and inviting eating environment for their children, helping them develop a healthy relationship with food that will benefit them for years to come.

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