Iraqi Finance Minister meets with EU and Canadian Ambassadors to discuss economic cooperation

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Iraqi Finance Minister Taif Sami held a meeting on Wednesday with the Canadian Ambassador to Iraq, Gregory Galligan, and the European Union Ambassador to Iraq, Ville Varjola, to discuss expanding economic cooperation, according to a statement cited by the Iraqi News Agency (INA). The Iraqi Ministry of Finance reported that during the meeting, the parties discussed ways to strengthen Iraq’s bilateral relations with the European Union and Canada by developing cooperation in the fields of finance, economy, and investment.

Sami expressed Iraq’s eagerness to establish economic partnerships with friendly countries and institutions, and he also stated Iraq’s openness to all forms of trade exchange with the European Union and Canada. The European Union and Canadian ambassadors expressed their desire to improve cooperation with Iraq, particularly in investment, energy, and sustainable development projects.

The meeting highlights the growing importance of economic cooperation between Iraq and its international partners, particularly Canada and the European Union. The discussions come at a time when Iraq is looking to boost its economy, which has been impacted by years of conflict, political instability, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The engagement between Iraq and its international partners is critical for the country’s economic recovery and long-term development.

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