Parks Canada establece zona de no detención en Banff para proteger a los osos

Parks Canada ha implementado una zona de no detención en el Parque Nacional Banff como medida…

Parks Canada revela más detalles sobre el mortal ataque de un oso grizzly

Parks Canada ha dado a conocer más detalles sobre el ataque de un oso grizzly que…

Controlan incendio forestal en Banff: Parks Canada

El incendio forestal que se salió de control en Banff ahora se encuentra “bajo control”, anunció…

Black bear destroyed by Parks Canada after attacking pet dog in Jasper National Park

A black bear that attacked and killed a pet dog in Jasper National Park over the…

Jackie Vautour’s family’s belongings boxed up from Kouchibouguac National Park

The personal belongings of the family of a man who laid claim to land in New…

Parks Canada says reservation system appears to be meeting ‘high demand’ for camping

CALGARY – Campers logged into their computers, tablets and smartphones bright and early Thursday morning hoping…

The Government of Canada appoints Michael Philpott as the new Newfoundland and Labrador member of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

GATINEAU (QC) March 14, 2023.-The Government of Canada, through the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, helps connect…