No Injuries Reported in Avalanche at Sunshine Ski Resort

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A Class 2 avalanche hit Sunshine Ski Resort on Saturday, but fortunately, no one was injured. The incident occurred just before 1 p.m. on Goat’s Eye Mountain, on a run called Mother-in-Law. Rescue crews from Sunshine and Parks Canada immediately combed the area to ensure that no one was caught in the slide.

According to reports, the area was already closed due to snow conditions, but a skier finishing the run reported seeing the slide. The resort confirmed that Goat’s Eye and Standish chairs were shut down for the remainder of the day, and the avalanche terrain would remain closed on Sunday.

A spokesperson for Sunshine Ski Resort, Kendra Scurfield, stated that the resort probed the area and used a dog to help sniff the area, adding that it took over 45 minutes and more than 16 people working in the area to ensure that no one was buried. She emphasized that the resort was fortunate that the area was clear.

Updates regarding the incident and the reopening of the affected areas will be posted on Sunshine Ski Resort’s social media channels. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident, and the resort’s quick response prevented any potential injuries or fatalities.

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