Parents of man who died after being tasered by police file civil lawsuit seeking answers about his death

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Kevin and Kathy Donnelly, the parents of Clayton Donnelly, have filed a civil lawsuit three and a half years after their son’s death. Clayton was admitted to Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops in late October 2019 after going into cardiac arrest. Clayton’s parents rushed to his side but could not get any information about what had happened to their son.

Through a local media report, the Donnellys learned that their son had led the RCMP on a chase and was eventually tasered when he did not cooperate while being arrested. Clayton had been experiencing mental health issues at the time of the incident, and his heart had stopped after being tasered.

The Donnellys had assumed that they would be told the details of the police chase and arrest after Clayton’s death. However, they say that the IIO, which investigates officer-involved deaths, has left them totally in the dark for three and a half years. The Donnellys learned that a file was forwarded to crown counsel 16 months ago, but so far, no charges have been filed.

The Donnellys have filed a civil lawsuit against the Attorney General of Canada, the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and the unnamed RCMP officers who were involved in their son’s arrest. While they are seeking financial compensation, Kevin Donnelly says that’s not the point of the lawsuit. “Money is not going to bring my son back,” he said, adding that they feel this is the only way they can get answers.

Clayton’s parents say not knowing the details of their son’s final moments has made losing him even harder. “There’s absolutely no closure. Every day when I get up, I think about him. Like, what happened to him?” said Kathy. “He had his issues, maybe he should be in the hospital. But he shouldn’t be dead.”

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