Richmond Resident Launches Petition Against Canada’s Foreign Influence Registry

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A petition against the Canadian government’s plan to implement a foreign influence transparency registry has been launched by Richmond resident Ally Wang. The petition has so far gathered 748 signatures, with 302 coming from British Columbia. Wang, an advocate against anti-Asian racism, argues that defining foreign influence broadly can infringe on charter rights and stifle societal and commercial connections. She also claims that the registry would pose a “serious harassment and stigmatization risk for racialized communities” and discourage vulnerable communities from engaging in civic activities and public service. However, the petition acknowledges that if the registry is necessary, it should apply to all countries equally and be based on specific arrangements between individuals or organizations and a foreign state. The registry should not be based on ethnicity, country of origin, business and civil society affiliations, or one’s views, and only those lobbying government officials and politicians should be registered.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Canadian Concern Group on CCP’s Human Rights Violations is warning against using the race card as a shield against investigations based on allegations of racism. The group, made up of immigrants from Hong Kong, has cautioned against using discrimination and persecution experienced by Chinese and Japanese Canadians in the past as an excuse to prevent investigations and prevent China infiltration and interference today. The group has listed a range of infiltration tactics by the Chinese Communist Party, including mobilization efforts through Chinese Canadian community organizations, manipulation of Canadian Chinese-language media, censorship and propaganda on Chinese social media such as WeChat, and connections with local politicians and influential figures. The group is urging for a transparent and accountable investigation process, claiming that ignoring foreign interference for fear of being accused of racism is not a viable option.

Wang has been involved in online advocacy in the past, having signed a petition in support of retired judge Bill Yee in 2021 and penned an article claiming the backlash against B.C. Senator Yuen Pau Woo was motivated by racism.

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