Two teenage girls granted bail in homeless man’s murder case

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Two more teenage girls accused in the swarming and stabbing death of a homeless man in late 2021 have been granted bail, according to reports. The girls, who cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, are among eight girls facing second-degree murder charges for the death of 59-year-old Kenneth Lee. The girls had met on social media, and three of them had prior contacts with the police.

The bail hearings for the eight girls took place between December and February, and five of them were released on bail. The latest two girls to be released on bail will be subject to strict conditions, including not being able to contact the other accused, not being allowed to access the internet or social media, and not allowed to possess weapons.

The case has garnered national attention, with many questioning how such a tragic event could occur. The incident has raised concerns about the vulnerability of homeless individuals and the potential dangers of social media. It has also sparked discussions about the effectiveness of the Canadian criminal justice system when it comes to dealing with youth offenders.

The tragic event has led to calls for increased support for homeless individuals, including better access to housing, social services, and mental health resources. Many have also called for stronger measures to prevent youth violence and to address the root causes of such behavior. The case remains ongoing, with the accused scheduled to appear in court again in the coming months.

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