Canada To Provide $157.6M To Bangladesh, The Philippines And Qatar

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OTTAWA, Canada – Harjit S. Sajjan, minister of international development and minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada announced $157.6 million in funding as he concluded his visit to Bangladesh, the Philippines and Qatar.

In a press release, Global Affairs Canada said, minister Sajjan trip focused on climate action, food security, green and inclusive growth, economic empowerment, health and advancing gender equality. He also attended the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), held in Doha, Qatar, where he highlighted the importance of inclusive partnerships with least-developed countries to reduce poverty and advance sustainable development.

“Of the announced international assistance, $98.6 million will support projects in Bangladesh that promote sexual and reproductive health and rights, climate resilience, training and employment, and education access for youth, as well as those that improve delivery of humanitarian and health services for refugees. At LDC5, he announced the remaining $59 million that will support nutrition and sustainable development projects to help reduce child mortality and fight climate change.

“In Bangladesh, minister Sajjan met with Sheikh Hasina Wazed, prime minister of Bangladesh, to discuss Canada’s commitment to deepening its engagement in the Indo-Pacific region, and to the long and successful development partnership between Canada and Bangladesh. They discussed Canada’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including its impact on food security in the global south, and the interlinked Rohingya refugee crisis and situation in Myanmar.

“In the Philippines, minister Sajjan and MP Rechie Valdez met with counterparts and partners to discuss shared priorities such as Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, food security, climate action, economic recovery, disaster preparedness and response, a rules-based international order, democracy, gender equality and human rights. They met with Enrique Manalo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and shared views on the issues shaping the region and on opportunities for collaboration between Canada and the Philippines.”

Global Affairs Canada, continued:“Minister Sajjan and MP Valdez also travelled to communities receiving Canadian support. In Manila, this included a health clinic that provides reproductive health services in disadvantaged communities. In Siargao, he saw regions severely affected by Super Typhoon Rai (Odette) and the impact of Canadian humanitarian assistance in helping to rebuild communities, deliver essential services and contribute to food security among affected populations.

“In Qatar, minister Sajjan spoke at a commemorative session marking 50 years of global cooperation with least developed countries, where he focused on the importance of locally-led approaches to development partnerships. He also met with the foreign minister of Qatar, Germany’s state secretary for economic cooperation and development, the foreign minister of Yemen, and Haiti’s minister of planning and external cooperation to discuss key issues facing least-developed countries.”

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