Earthquakes Canada reports minor quakes near Daajing Giids and Port Alice, B.C.

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DAAJING GIIDS, B.C. – Earthquakes Canada says two separate, minor quakes rattled areas off the coast of British Columbia over the weekend.

It says a 3.8 magnitude quake struck on Saturday just before 11:30 p.m. on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii, B.C.

The tremor was recorded 50 km south of Daajing Giids, B.C., at a depth of 10 kilometres, and the federal agency says the quake was lightly felt in Skidegate and Port Clements.

It says there are no reports of damage, none are anticipated and no tsunami is expected.

The agency has also reported a second quake, which struck at a magnitude of 4.3 around 8:30 a.m. Sunday more than 240 km away from Port Alice, B.C.

It says there were no reports of damage by the tremor, which had a depth of 10 km, and a tsunami is not expected.

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