Jamaica farmers upset as licence granted to import Canadian herb

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Some local ganja farmers are fuming over reports that a licence has been granted to a company to import Canadian cannabis into Jamaica.

Speaking inside the ‘Jamaica Cannabis Industry Forum’ WhatsApp group, President of the Jamaica Cannabis Licensed Association, Rear Admiral Hardley Lewin, asked growers to figuratively “holster [their] weapons and keep [their] powder dry”, noting that the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) was aware of the ire created within the local industry following the latest development.

“I learnt and later confirmed that the CLA Board has approved the importation of ganja into Jamaica from Canada. A licensed (sic) applied for & was granted the necessary permits. I will not fault the licensee but I find it disturbing & indeed scandalous that we could allow imports from a state to which we cannot export,” Lewin wrote.

“I have had a meeting with the Chairman of the CLA, he recognises the angst in the industry. It is anticipated a full review will be done. Please holster your weapons and keep your powder dry,” he added.

Lewin, speaking exclusively with OBSERVER ONLINE, confirmed that he was in fact the individual who had brought news of the recently granted licence to the attention of industry stakeholders.

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